Spanish - 8th Grade Daily Work Questions

#1 - Translate these dos oraciones:

A - We are in the school SVdP.

B - We are from the school SVdP.

#2 - ANSWER the following questions in complete sentences in Spanish:

A - ¿De donde es Usted?

B - ¿Donde está Usted?

#3 - A - What does "tener" mean?

B - What part of speech is the word "tener"?

#4 - List tres unique facts about "tener."

#5 - List cuatro situations you have learned in class in which the verb "tener" is used.

#6 - Conjugate "tener" in the present tense.

#7 - A - What part of speech are the words that follow "tener" in certain conditions?

B - What part of speech are the words that follow "estar" in certain conditions?

#8 - A - What does "tener que + an infinitive verb" mean?

B - Which verb do you conjugate in a "tener que + an infinitive verb" sentence?

#9 - Translate this to español:

       "We have to study."

#10 - Translate the following to español:

A - We have two dogs.

B - They are hungry.

#11 - Translate the following to ingles:

     "El caballo tiene que beber agua."

#12 - Translate the following to ingles"

      "Ustedes tienen que tener cuidado."

#13 - Fill in the blanks with either Hay or with the correct conjugated verb form of Tener.

A - Nosotros ______________ muchos estudiantes en la escuela SVdP.

B - _____________ muchos estudiantes en la escuela SVdP.

#14 - A - What does Tener que + an infinitive verb mean?

B - What does Hay que + an infinitive verb mean?

#15 - Translate each:

A - tener

B - tener que + an infinitive

C -  haber

D - hay

E - hay que + an infinitive

#16 - A - What does "ir" mean?

B - What does "dar" mean"

C - Conjugate "ir" in the present tense.

D - Conjugate "dar" in the present tense.

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