Mrs. Monica Thede - Room 42

Welcome to Room 42! My name is Mrs. Monica Thede, and I am one of the 4th grade teachers at SVdP. I am looking forward to a wonderful year! This is my 32nd year at St. Vincent de Paul and my 35th year as an educator. I taught 5th grade at St. Albert Elementary for three years, 1st grade at St. Vincent for one year, and fourth grade at St. Vincent for 31 years. This year will be year 32nd at SVdP. I received my bachelor's degree from Hastings College. 

Class Info

I teach the social studies curriculum to all grade 4 students. In social studies we are learning all about Nebraska history, geography, government, and famous people. We create a Nebraska passport project during the year that will contain all kinds of wonderful facts about our great state! I also teach religion, handwriting, vocabulary, reading, math, and spelling to my homeroom students. We study the rosary in religion this year and make rosaries, which is a highlight of the year, and we pair up with the kindergarten class to do buddy activities. For an overview of fourth grade learning opportunities, click here. Teacher associates for grade 4 are: Mrs. Janeen Moynihan (Mon-Fri), Mrs. Candy Sus (M/W/F), Mrs. Colleen Leise (Tue/Thu), Mrs. Meg Nownes (M-F mornings), and Mrs. Ellie Seward (M-F afternoons). We are very blessed to have these individuals who have so many gifts and talents to offer your children daily.
Google Classroom
*All links to student resources (books and sites) can be found on Google Classroom pages or on Quick Links for students on SVdP homepage*
Contact Mrs. Thede
School Office: 402-492-2111

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