Overview of Fourth Grade Curriculum

In grade four, the students will rotate to the other classrooms for many subjects in order to prepare them for intermediate and junior high classes. Mrs. Thede will teach all grade four students social studies. Mrs. Madison teaches all grade four students the science curriculum, and Mrs. Caito teaches the English curriculum.

In religion in grade four we cover a variety of topics and our lessons are filled with scripture stories that your child will enjoy. The ten commandments are a focus in the textbook as well as how to pray the rosary. The students will focus on the rosary in October as that is the month of the rosary. They will learn how to pray this prayer, make their own rosaries and make one to donate. They will also be tested over how to pray the rosary and they will be able to list the 20 decades of the rosary.
In social studies, your child will learn about the history and geography of  our state of Nebraska. Students take notes in class through the use of the Active Board and also have a study guide provided for each chapter to aid in studying for chapter tests. Please review this with your child when preparing for tests.

In science class, your child will learn various topics in life, earth, and physical science.  Throughout the year your child will practice the scientific method: ask a question, make a hypothesis, conduct the experiment, conclusion-what were the results, and application-what does this mean in my life.  Your child will take notes in class and complete study guides for each chapter.  These are great tools as well as the end of the chapter reviews in the student text book when reviewing for tests.
Reading classes have many rich stories in grade four!  The students will be reading from our anthology as well as reading novels that we will provide. After every story the children are tested over their knowledge of the vocabulary as well as comprehension.

English class consists of both grammar and writing.  Daily assignments are given during grammar units so students can practice what they learned.  We review in class the day before an English test, plus there is a section at the end of each unit to practice at home. 
Math in grade four covers a variety of topics. Feel free to have your child bring the book home to look through---decimals, fractions, long division and long multiplication are some of the highlights! Multiplication and division through the 12's are very important in grade four and up. Please review flashcards---especially the 12's to help your child in math this year.
Take home folders come home daily with homework that has been completed as well as any important notes for parents. Please empty these out nightly and send back to school with any information for us.
Please be sure to check your child's green mail folder daily.  Each Friday, the following week's spelling list will be included.
In addition to spelling, our students participate in the Sadlier vocabulary program. There are 12 words that they practice for 2-3 weeks with pages to complete in their workbook on their meanings, synonyms, antonyms. Then a test is given to determine their knowledge of the meanings and use of the words.

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