Information Regarding Online Payment of Athletic Fees

General Information
The SVdP Sports Commission works with eFunds for Schools to provide a simple and secure online payment system for parents wishing to make online payments for all athletic fees.

Parents who have already created an eFunds for Schools payment account to deposit funds for student lunches can use that account to make athletic fees payments as well.  Once logged in, click on the General Items tab to begin that process.


Creating an eFunds for Schools Payment Account

For parents who do not have an eFunds for Schools account but wish to pay athletic fees online. can create such an account by following the steps below:

1. Click on the eFunds Online Payment Portal link found in the Announcements section on the school homepage.

2. Click on Register Here in the New Users section.

3. Enter information as requested in the Sign Up column. Starred items are required; including your email is recommended in order to receive payment receipts. Once again, your username and password information can be whatever you prefer and will remember.

4. Click on the Sign Up button.

5. Create a payment method by entering the information required for payment by electronic check or debit/credit card.

6. Under the General Items tab, enter the appropriate amounts for all affected fees.  For multiple students being registered for a single sport, be sure to enter the cumulative total amount (if, for example, you have two children being registered for Track, you would enter $70.00 for the Track fees).

7.  Once all fee amounts have been added, follow the on-screen instructions to process your payment.

8. Use the username and password specified in Step 3 above for future logins to the payment portal.


eFunds Payment Options and Fees
You may make online athletic fees payments via electronic check, credit card, or debit card.  A $1.00 fee will be charged for payments made with electronic checks; credit or debit card payments will be charged a $2.65 fee per $100.00 deposit increment (i.e. $2.65 for transaction amounts up to $100.00, $5.30 for transaction amounts greater than $100.00 up to $200.00, and so on).  If you log in to eFunds for Schools and pay athletic fees for three different children, those three amounts still count as only one transaction in terms of fees charged. The SVdP Sports Commission does not receive a share of the processing fees; those fees are used to fund our online payment agreement with eFunds for Schools.

Should a payment to eFunds for Schools be declined for reason of insufficient funds, eFunds for Schools will attempt to put the payment through two more times.  If a payment attempt remains NSF after three tries at processing, a $15.00 NSF fee will be assessed by eFunds for Schools to the individual attempting to make the payment.  That $15.00 fee will be in addition to whatever fees that individual's bank may charge.  Additionally, the SVdP Sports Commission will incur an uncollected payment charge of $2.50, reimbursement for which will be expected from the responsible party.

If you experience any issues with creating an online payment account or have questions about the process, do not hesitate to contact Ray Bentzen (


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