Grades 1-8 Information



We will again be using Ecollect online forms to register all current K-7th students who will be re-enrolling for Grades 1-8 for the 2025-2026 school year.  You can click here for more information on the Ecollect process.  

To complete registration, parents will need to access Ecollect from their parent PowerSchool accounts beginning February 10 and follow the steps below:
1) Log into your parent Powerschool account (logging in using student credentials will not give you access to registration forms)
2) Select a student from the top menu bar
3) Click on Ecollect forms in the left navigaton pane for that student
4) Make any updates/changes for prepopulated data fields, provide information requested for other fields, and then submit each form
5) Two online forms (Basic Student and Parent Information AND Intent to Enroll) will be required for all children 
6)  Additionally, all families will need to complete a Parish Involvement form for one child per family; after completing the Parish Involvement form for one child, you can ignore the form for all other children in the family; if you have previously completed the Parish Involvement form as part of Preschool or Kindergarten registration for next year, you can ignore the form for all other children who will be entering grades 1-8 next year
7) Repeat steps 1-6 as needed for all children

You can click here for more information on SVdP registration and to access additional documentation.
All information you update and enter will directly transfer into Powerschool, so please proofread and verify accuracy before submitting.  Please avoid the use of all caps when entering data.

It is imperative that all families complete and submit these forms to hold their child’s spot for the 2025-2026 school year.  Registration forms are due by March 3, 2025.  Some of our grade levels have or will have waiting lists, and we want to honor our present families prior to accepting new students.  You will be notified if you do not meet the guidelines for acceptance.

As was the case for the current school year, registration fees ($500.00 per student) and tuition payments for students entering Grades 1-8 will be billed and collected, through SVdP’s FACTS online payment management system.  You will receive a separate email from FACTS providing information on paying your 2025-2026 registration fees and setting up your 2025-2026 tuition payment plan.  

Contact the individuals listed below if you have any questions:

Links below will provide additional information on FACTS:
Facts Tuition Management Information Parent Letter
FACTS Tutition Management Frequently Asked Questions 
Preschool Tuition Letter
K-8 Tuition Letter



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